Posted by on Sep 2, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

It arrived in the gift of a billionth of a billionth of a second. It appeared to be happening at the same time – but it was that split second that made all the difference. Here in this Living Light of Beauty, the Divine came to be realized. With the Heart willing and open, there was no doubt that Something Real and Holy stood here being this magical wonder that was all around. The Holy Presence of Something steady and true, an Unmoving Light was preceding all this movement of people, places and things. Our world, this world we see and know, it is the joyful delight of an infinity of reflections of this Immutable Love. Love blooms and flows through the Light of Something that precedes what we think we know. In the middle, we hear the music and we are taken to a place between two worlds. Steeped in the ecstasy, here, immersed in this imponderable, unbound, unseen, immaterial Light. It is casting reflections of Itself as this world of time, this exquisite, measurable world of light. Meeting, in the dark of this mystical Holy Light, in this Living composition, this rhapsody of Love. Our Illimitable Beauty, unclothed, dancing up close with the Divine. Here we are not touched by time. What difference can a billionth of a billionth of a second make? Ask the pure Heart of Love, It knows.


  1. 9-3-2019

    Dear Sandy,

    Thank you for the Gift of your words understood as magical ‘reflections’ within this ‘Living Light of Beauty’ -all around- and how in an instant everything is changed-known through the Child’s-eye point of view where ‘Love blooms and flows.’


    • 9-3-2019

      Dear Lewis – Yes, to know and live from the Love of this deep abiding Presence that is being All That Is- the Child of us arrives and we Live again knowing this Infinite Light is the Light of our own Pure Heart – right here, right now, always – God is the Light of Living Faith as Itself – We feel, know, see, touch this Love- so we dance – 💕