Posted by on Sep 10, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Through my broken heart came a blessed Light. It grows strong now. It has become a glowing Beauty within me. A Beauty that never leaves or forsakes me. It is a flowing of endless Love, the vital force of an Eternal Love that is Life itself. Life cannot die, and we are the Living Light of this Life, whether we know it or not. I was taken up, upward, higher – at the peak, I was shown this Eternity we are, shown that death is impossible. Knowing this, really seeing the Light and knowing It is Real, brings me back into this world. Living again, unafraid, graceful, trusting myself. This living faith moves me, proving Itself to me in every moment of each day. Many Septembers have gone by, but I know that we are timeless and there is no end. My Heart remains wide open to the unbound beauty of this Infinite Light of Life that is being all that is. Love keeps me vulnerable, resilient, giving, willing, and joyful. I let this divine innocence show me the Way, and It does. It brings me a peace and a happiness, that is steady and true. Dear Life, dear Beauty being the Light of All That I am, All That WE are, I thank you. And you, my love, you’re still here with me, in me. How much you have given me. You are a part of me always. Sweet joy, to understand the Totality of this Life we are – and to Live It.


  1. 9-11-2019

    It’s true. ‘Reality of Love.’ At heart, we feel love.

    It makes sense to say: feel it and hold dear the love we are.


    LOVE – Everywhere. Love embraces Love— even as places, events, people and things- All.

    Thank you, dear Sandy and William (blessed Light) 💕

    • 9-11-2019

      Yes, at heart we are love, we feel love and see love as all that is -Love does not come from another nor can it be taken from us. To realize that Reality is Love Itself and Love is Who We Are- that is about all we need to know – and it changes everything. There is no way there, but to be there – We are It- Living it already, in all ways and always – 💕